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Object-Oriented Programming

Objects as closures#

It can be succinct to implement an object using closures. Here is an excellent example from Ross and Robert (1996), p.304:

#! config(debug = T, deparsers = default_2_deparsers())
account <- function(total) {
list(balance = function() total,
deposit = function(amount) total <<- total + amount,
withdraw = function(amount) total <<- total - amount)
Robert <- account(1000)
Ross <- account(500)
print(Robert$balance()) # expect 1100
print(Ross$balance()) # expect 350

R6 style of declaration#

The sketch package supports object declaration using the R6 OOP syntax. Here is an example:

reactive <- R6Class(
public = list(
value_1 = NULL,
method_1 = function() {
print("Method 1 called")
print(" value_1: " %+% self$value_1)
print(" value_2: " %+% private$value_2)
initialize = function(x, y) {
self$value_1 <- x
private$value_2 <- y
private = list(
value_2 = NULL
# Usage
x <- reactive$new(1, 999)
print("Fields and methods available to users: " %+% names(x))