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Common pitfalls writing JavaScript in R#

The examples below use the following options

debug = TRUE, rules = basic_rules(), deparsers = basic_deparsers(), asset_tags = basic_tags()

in the source_r function call. Under this setting, R functions are not loaded into the environment.

1. JavaScript uses 0-based indexing#

x <- Array(1, 2, 3) # Array is a function provided in JavaScript

2. Undeclared variables are created in the global environment#

f <- function() {
x <- 3 # Variable used without declaration
console::log(x) # 'x' shows up in the global!

While directly accessing and modifying global variables are not uncommon in JavaScript visualisations - as we will see when we use p5.js in the other articles - it is best to use it only when it is necessary. Here is how one declares a variable before using it:

f <- function() {
declare(x) # Declare variable. Alternatively, you can combine
x <- 3 # the two lines using `let(x = 3)`.
try(console::log(x)) # This will throw an error.

If you use default_2_deparsers() (introduced in version 1.1.0), then sketch will automatically declare the variable for you.

3. return in JavaScript function must be explicit#

add <- function(x, y) {
x + y # returns nothing, i.e. undefined
console::log(add(3, 4)) # expects nothing
add2 <- function(x, y) {
return(x + y) # returns x + y
console::log(add2(3, 4)) # expects 7

If you use default_2_deparsers() (introduced in version 1.1.0), then sketch will automatically handle return for you.

4. JavaScript function reads argument by position / order#

first <- function(x, y) {
console::log(first(y = 3, x = 1)) # the result is 3, not 1!

Note that since JavaScript does not use named argument, y = 3 and x = 1 are actually interpreted as assignments! Both assignments will happen before the function first is called.

But don’t worry, this won’t be a problem in sketch as it will strip off all the names during the transpilation, i.e. first(y = 3, x = 1) gets transpiled into first(3, 1). The design decision rules out the use of in-place assignments, but it guards against unintended ones.

5. JavaScript passes objects by reference (think of R6 in R)#

x = Array(1, 2, 3)
y = x
z = Array(...x) # make a copy explicitly
y[0] = 999
console::log(x) # x is modified!

6. A browser session has a pre-populated namespace#

For example, the variables document, window, location, var, stop, open, focus are taken already. Avoid assigning values to these variables!

The full list can be found with the following code:

# The object (strictly) named "window" refers to your browser window
for (b in Object::keys(window)) {
if (window$hasOwnProperty(b)) console::log(b)