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The DOM module

The DOM module is there to help user create HTML files and build interfaces.

Creation and Rendering#

The two functions for creating and rendering DOM elements are dom and print_dom (with alias render). The function signature of dom is dom(tag, attr, ...), where

  • tag (character) is the name of a HTML tag,
  • attr (a named list) is the attributes of the tag, and
  • ... may include additional tags that are inserted into the current tag.

Here is an example:

#! load_library("dom")
x <- dom("div", list(innerText = "Hello World!"))
y <- dom("div", list(innerText = "Full-width color", style = "background: yellow;"))
z <- dom("div", list(),
dom("span", list(innerText = "Wrap-around color", style = "background: Gold;")))

Shorthand notation#

A shorthand notation has been included in default_2_deparsers(), and it resembles the syntax used by shiny. The tag name becomes a function call; all named arguments will be passed to dom as attributes, and the unnamed ones are passed as the additional tags to be included.

#! load_library("dom")
x <- div(innerText = "Hello World")
y <- div(innerText = "Full-width color", style = "background: yellow;")
z <- div(span(innerText = "Wrap-around color", style = "background: Gold;"))

By the way, here is a reference for HTML color names.